www.whyville.net May 30, 2010 Weekly Issue

Times Writer

Gone in a Flash: Part 2

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"Jaime! Welcome!" the man with an angelic face and angel wings smiled at her.

Jaime looked at him puzzled. The area around her was white, fluffy, breath taking kind of beautiful. Her vision grew blurry.

"Where am I?" she asked the man. He spoke with a soothing yet happy tone. "Heaven, silly!"


"Jamie, Jamie, are you okay? Jaime?" a familiar voice tugged at her ears. Jaime slowly opened her eyes to see her mother, father and sister around her with tears in their glassy eyes. Where was she? What had happened? Questions ruffled through her brain, questions she itched to ask, but couldn't exactly speak.

A doctor in a white suit and a clipboard ran in the room. "She's awake!" he cried.

"Thank God," her mother sighed with relief. Jaime's father smiled and looked to Jaime's sister Hannah with excitement in his eyes. 'Why so happy?' she thought.

The room seemed to spin endlessly, as well as her mind. Finally, somewhere down deep she spoke. "What happened to me?"

"Sweetie, you were in a bad accident," her mother spoke with a tearful voice. "A drunk driver rammed into you girls, Kris injured her lower back, it'll heal, but it will take months," she finished.

A long pause swept the room before Jaime could ask about Vanessa, her mom began.

"Um, as for Vanessa. She's uh, in critical condition. She had some damage done to her front brain tissue and is currently in a coma."

Jaime started to sob. "It's all my fault isn't it!" she managed to get out between sobs. Her mother patted her head lightly. "It is no way your fault. That man should be the one crying." she said. Jaime didn't want to hear it. For the next four days, she turned down any visitors in the hospital room.

No chocolates, flowers, balloons, pictures, nothing! She didn't want to talk to anyone. On the 5th day she was released from the hospital with a fractured arm and broken nose. The doctors were worried about the nose receiving any infection from the glass that was caught in her tissue, so she would have to be closely watched for a month.

Walking out of the hospital room, Jaime asked her father to visit her friends. "Sure," he said. "But, be careful, let me get the nurse." When the nurse came, she wheeled Jaime down the hall and came to a stop when a room numbered 516 came into view. "Here we are." the nurse said. The nurse helped Jaime out of the wheelchair and into Kris's room.

Of course, Kristen was smiling, even though she could barely move from the pain, her teeth shined the entire plain room. Jaime quietly made her way to the edge of the hospital bed and sat down. The nurse closed the door, "Just be done by 5:15, Kristen needs to be checked up I'll be outside the door if you need me." the nurse glared at Kris.

Kris rolled her eyes and looked to Jaime. "Hey" she spoke softly."How are you feeling?" she asked. "How am I feeling? How are YOU feeling?!" Jaime said with shock of still realizing what happened. Kris shrugged, "It's been the same. I'm probably not going to leave here for another month."

Jaime shook her head. "No you won't! You'll be okay."

5:15 came and the nurse was back in with Jaime's chair. "See ya." she whispered to Kris.

Jaime sat in her wheelchair and gazed at the hospital rooms and the patients coming in and out. She suddenly remembered. "Can we go see Vanessa Martinez?" Jaime asked.

The nurse looked puzzled. "I guess, but I don't think you'll like what you see sweetie. It'll only be for a minute. I can't leave you alone."

The nurse was right. Jaime didn't like what she saw at all. It was worse then she had imagined.


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