www.whyville.net Apr 25, 2002 Weekly Issue

Free Speech: Liberty or Right?

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Free Speech: Liberty or Right?

Times Writer

This is so funny! My old man is singing to this song. Ha Ha! Well anyway, I read Blackbox's article about censorship a few weeks ago. I thought about this for a while, and then I looked up censorship on google. Here's something I found at infoplease.com:

"Censorship, official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed to threaten the political, social, or moral order. It may be imposed by governmental authority, local or national, by a religious body, or occasionally by a powerful private group. It may be applied to the mails, speech, the press, the theater, dance, art, literature, photography, the cinema, radio, television, or computer networks. Censorship may be either preventive or punitive, according to whether it is exercised before or after the expression has been made public. In use since antiquity, the practice has been particularly thoroughgoing under autocratic and heavily centralized governments, from the Roman Empire to the totalitarian states of the 20th cent."

Think about it this way. Are you allowed to swear in real life? My mom doesn't like it, but I get the habit form my dad, mind you my parent's are fairly easy going, seeing as they let me, their thirteen year old daughter get my belly button pierced. Most of my friends say (sarcastically) "My parents would shoot me if they heard me swearing." So do they think they would let you swear on a computer? And it's not little eight year olds that are my friends. These are people that are young teenagers. It is that age group that makes up Whyville, so if you think of that way, do we have the right to get rid of censorship? Not yet.

Most of the population of Whyville is made up of minors, as that is who it was created for. (I can think of at least one exception, however.) What political power do minors have in the world today? You are told what to do by your parents, because you aren't thought to be able to make all the right decisions for yourself, and you have no say in the government until you are old enough (legal age varies in every country). If we were to rid our society of these laws, and these censorships, what would it be like?

Blackbox has also stated in his article that we have a dictatorship society. Well, how many people take the time to read and sign petitions. Those give us a chance to express our opinions, and to effect a change. There is a slight problem with the changes we'd like to see happen, and how we go about it. How often do we whine if we don't like something? That won't get us very far.

And, on the government issue, Blackbox stated that our government is mostly a dictatorship, but it is also in a communist state. I have one question, and call me ignorant, but I'd like to know what other possibilities we have for a government in this situation? I don't see anyone fighting to be the next City Hall -- who here wants to do all her work, struggle with money and all our demands? -- and I don't see anyone who is running to be elected either.

    "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." --Noam Chomsky

Okay, I'd just like to tie that to another article that some people have had problems with. You don't think that stuff like that should be seen, but yet we want to rid ourselves of censorship. How does that work? Not very well, the last time I checked.

One of the last things that I would like to point out is that it isn't only swears that we censor on Whyville. This kid in my class said something that was highly inappropriate the other day. There weren't any swears in it, so it wasn't censored, but it was rude and almost sexist, I wouldn't want to hear anyone say, it ever! He got taped for six days. We need censorship to keep things like this eliminated.

My last point that I would like to highlight is that a lot of things that young teens say these days are fairly wrong, but we take it so casually that we don't think of it that way. Maybe if you thought about some of the expressions, you might realize what I'm saying.

So, this may just be a very naive or ignorant Giggler01 signing out, but if we eliminate censorship, then it gives me freedom of speech, so tough beans! Have a good one!


Times Writer LilBeaut submitted a very different opinion on this topic... where do you stand?



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