www.whyville.net May 2, 2002 Weekly Issue

Study Help

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Study Help

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About every day, I come out of school, breaking my back because of all the books in my bag, and I tell myself, I am going to go straight home and get this stuff done.

Yea, right.

I get home, throw my books on the couch, and get on the computer or watch TV. Well, then it comes time to go to sleep, and I still haven't touched a pencil, or gotten out any of the books from my backpack. Oh, the agony! So I hurry up and get out all of my books, and papers, flop down on my bed, and start writing away, tired and about ready to fall asleep.

Sound a little like someone you know? LOL, I know a lot of us have the same routine everyday. Some just don't learn from it either. Well, I have to admit, I still put all my books to the side for a while, but I am getting the hang of going home and getting straight to the homework part. Along the way of figuring out how to get my homework done before the wee hours of the night, I picked up some tips and pointers that have helped me out incredibly! (Hope you aren't bored already, but trust me, these help!)

First, we need to correct the part about "breaking your back" with all those books in your bag. Four little words: Use Your Study Halls! I know, some of you may not have a study hall or anything like it, but you can most likely find a few minutes here and there. Don't think a few minutes makes a difference? Think again! Some people could get halfway done with an assignment in a few minutes! But remember to take your time and get a good grade, too! So, during study hall, if you have one, don't spend your time writing notes, planning what you are going to be doing this weekend, or anything else besides homework. This strategy will help you by first making your backpack lighter and second by giving you time for other things you want to do after school.

Now, to fix the second problem: putting your homework off until later. Okay, maybe some of you go straight home and do your homework, I don't know, but I do know A LOT of you all go home and watch TV, play on the computer, or do something else instead. Well, it is so much better and more comforting if you have your work done before you do any other activities, let me tell you! This way you won't have to worry about being done with your activity at a certain time, because you have the rest of the afternoon to do whatever needs to be done because your homework is already finished. So, put off the activity until you have ALL your homework done. And a little more advice: do the big stuff first, in case you really do have to do something REALLY vital. Then you will have the important work done first, and you can surely get those other little things done afterwards, or first thing the next morning.

Okay, now that we have fixed those two problems, lets work on the part about sitting on your bed and doing your homework. Well, first of all, the bed is certainly not a good place to do homework! You should be sitting up straight at a desk, table, etc. This way you are stable and you have a good open place to put all books and things. Plus you won't be as tempted to just trade your books for a pillow!

You should also find a nice quiet, room, that doesn't have a lot of knick knacks in it, because you will easily get distracted if you have too many things sitting around you. And make sure the TV is not on in the same room you are in, or the radio either, because 9 chances out of 10 you will definitely get distracted. Basically, make sure your workplace is "Homework Friendly"! LOL! You will get done so much faster and you will get better grades.

Now, let's wrap it up!

  • During school, use your study halls.
  • After school, get your homework done before any other activity.
  • Be in a homework friendly environment.
These tips should and hopefully will help you get your homework done and help you raise your grades!

This is LilFlower, signing off... wait, not yet, come on... there! LilFlower signed off.



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