www.whyville.net Sep 12, 2002 Weekly Issue


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Hello! It's me, QUISP. Today I'm writing about a type of plant. It's called wheatgrass!

Some of you may or may not have heard of this remarkable plant. You juice it and drink the juice. People often drink things such as 'energy milkshakes' and things like that, where you add some sort of powder to a liquid, and it's supposed to give you great nutrients.

Although this method does work, it's much better for your body to get these nutrients from a 'biological' source, not some processed minerals shoved into a bottle. This can actually deprive your body of certain things. Wheatgrass juice is basically crude protein. It is also filled with almost all the nutrients your body needs, and about 70% chlorophyll (the stuff that makes plants green). It is filled with enzymes that our body needs to heal itself, get rid of toxins in organs such as the liver, keep blood cells healthy, give us energy, helps prevent cancer, and it also acts as an appetite suppressant!

You don't have to drink much to get all that: just 2 ounces! Some drinks that I've had require up to 2 cups! Which would be 16 ounces.

Now, most 'juiced' things scare people, they're afraid of the amazingly repulsive taste of most of them. Usually that is true -- I cannot stand V8 juice! Ugh! But wheatgrass juice I think is KINDA good tasting, and since it's only 2oz, you can swallow it in one gulp so you don't need to really taste it. It reminds me of eating grass. Although I'm not sure if you've eaten grass before. Anyway, it smells like grass that's just been cut (kinda). Just remember to drink something else right after, it has a not-so-pleasant aftertaste.

Anyway, I hope this works. Remember to try natural alternatives to nutrient supplements. Nothing is better than ORGANIC veggies and plants grown at home. (I still don't like supplements that say "All-Natural".) Not all veggies are disgusting. =)

This is QUISP... signing off? Bye!



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