www.whyville.net Oct 31, 2002 Weekly Issue

Trick or Treating

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Trick or Treating

Guest Writer

BOO! Did I scare you?

This is R3spEct here (my old user was tommigirl). I'm here today to write an article (duh)! I'm talking about Halloween and trick or treating! I love trick or treating! I have done it since... well, I dunno when, but I do know that there are pictures of me as small as 3 in a tacky/cute Halloween costume that my parents picked up at the store, knowing they'd better use it on me now, because later I would never be caught dead wearing anything like it.

Is it for the candy? Is it for the fun? I asked 2 willing Whyvillians their opinions on this.

First is FudgyFeud.

Me: Do you trick or treat for the candy or the fun, and why?
FudgyFeud: Mostly for the fun. Most of my friends went to other schools, and I was left with only one friend. So I like to see them, and there's a bonus getting candy.
Me: Thank you!

Next, Erona.

Me: Do you trick or treat for the candy or the fun and why?
Erona: Both! Because getting scared to death is the point of Halloween! And candy's good, too. =)
Me: Thank you. =o)

Don't be ashamed to say candy, it's GREAT! LoL, but I have to agree with both of my interviewees. Fun is great and so is candy.

Another question I'm asking 2 Whyvillians is, what age do you think is too old to trick or treat? FudgyFeud had left, but Erona was still there so I asked her and someone new.

First, Erona.

Me: How old do you think is to old for trick or treating?
Erona: Sixteen, because... it's just too old for them.
Me: Anything else about ages for trick or treating?
Erona: No.
Me: Thank you!

Now, EvilPixie.

Me: How old do you think is too old for trick or treating?
EvilPixie: LOL, um, I think no older than 18. I mean, really, it is a fun thing that all ages should be able to participate in. :)
Me: Thanx!

Do you agree? I know that I think that most ages should be able to trick or treat as long as they have costumes and get into the spirit of it! Everyone has their own ideas about those things!

Well, everyone have fun trick or treating, and remember to R3spEct the safety rules! Get lotsa candy!

Out finding a costume for Halloween, I'm off!

Luv Ya Whyville!



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