www.whyville.net Dec 5, 2002 Weekly Issue


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Yikes!! Have you seen the Times lately? "Homosexuality isn't a choice!" vs. "You can choose to be homosexual or not!" Okay people, take a deep breath *in* and *out* so we can begin our discussion. What have we seen lately on Whyville? People who are -- to use slang -- gay.

What has everyone on Whyville tried to teach us? BE NICE TO EACH OTHER!! You are going to meet so many people in your life and you may not like some of them, but why start complaining now? We all have differences, all right? Get over it! Get over yourself!! Who died and made you God? No one. You don't have all the power to decide what's right and what's wrong. Homosexuality is neither right nor wrong.

Personally, I believe it isn't a choice made by the person. Look at all the homophobia (a fear of gay people) in our world right now. Who would choose to be gay if they knew they would get laughed at and teased?

I don't know if this will help stop all the fighting about homosexuality going on right now, but that was my goal with this article. I don't feel hate or particular love for homosexual people but I am willing to give them a chance, just like I give everybody else a chance. They are just like you and me, just with a different sexual preference!

All I'm asking is to give people a chance! Look at what they have to put up with. We don't need anymore of that!!

I sincerely hope that no one was offended or misunderstood my article. I'm sorry if it was harsh when I said that we can't control everything. Thanks for your time, people.

This is Shalee.
*Whew, I'm tired!* See you later!



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