www.whyville.net Dec 19, 2002 Weekly Issue


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Hello I'm PiNkPpLs, and I'd just like to say a few... well, not exactly a few, but that's not the point.... I want to talk about swearing and muting and fining and all that stuff.

I'm not going to say, "I've never been muted fined or anything like that in the whole time I've been on Whyville *angel look on face*", because that would be lying. I've been muted once, had my ability to change my face taken away once, been fined twice, and I think that's it!

I just want to say, don't swear because you think it'll sound like you're really cool, 'cause it won't! I've let a few words slip and afterwards I've thought, "I shouldn't have said that." I want to say sorry to everyone that has listened to me talking inappropriately and cursing! Please forgive me?!? =( I promise... no, I don't promise, because I know that if I swear then I will be breaking that promise, but... I will try not to use inappropriate language in Whyville, as Whyville is aimed for all ages of kids and I don't think I want to see an 8 year old walking around cursing because I taught him/her that! I would feel bad and horrible that a little kid is now going to pass on the bad language to one of their friends and it will go on and on and on and then there would be little 2 year olds that can only just talk, but the few words they can say are swear words!

I'm truly sorry and if I get banished for using inappropriate language, than so be it. I shouldn't deserve to have the privilege of Whyville if I curse like that!

I'll go for now, leaving on the note, "Don't try and be cool by swearing, it doesn't work like that!"

(= ToOdLeS =) from PiNkPpLs.



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