www.whyville.net Dec 12, 2007 Weekly Issue

City Worker Writer

Senate Debate Transcript

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City Hall: Welcome to the Senate Debate

City Hall:  Welcome to the Senate Debate! Our candidates tonight are, in alphabetical order.  Thank you for being here tonight, candidates.  Let's have a brief opening statement from each candidate.  peachadee - why don't you start us off?


peachadee:  If I am elected senator, I will do my best to be a voice for the people. I will treat your problems like my own.


I think it would be awesome to have more cars other than scions, music in the cars, more ways to earn clams and a better face factory.


We could have clubs with message boards and a way to rent scions.  I think we should be able to resell scions. More people in the face factory, emoticons would be awesome too.  I think you should pay to keep your face parts.


City Hall:  Thanks! ps2? You?re next!


ps2man1:  I guess I am.  Well, I'm going to keep this pretty short and simple. At least I'll try.


I've been in the top 3 before, actually, willis4 was one of the other contenders during my run.  I know he is a great competitor, and I think the same of peach.  I'd like to be senator to help whyville, and stuff.  As well as listening to the people, I'll work to keep whyville awesome.


City Hall: (clap for ps2) willis4?


willis4:  A senator to cause Change.  A senator to talk to.  A senator for help, A different sort of senator.


I am that different sort. I will express your opinions to the makers of Whyville. Your voice will be heard.  With me, willis4 as senator. All Whyvillians can cause a  change for the better, I take your values to the skies.


So, when choosing who to vote for. Remember. With willis4 - you get more.


City Hall:  *claps*

City Hall: You all have a lot of ideas for improving Whyville.

If you had to pick one, which one would it be and why?

City Hall:  ps2 - start us off


ps2man1:  I have sooo many ideas, but if I had to choose one, perhaps it would be the trading post auction center and bbs.

I would choose this because as well as being a good idea, it would help many people sell their face parts and make more money.  The auction center would be bidding.  And the BBS would have an anti-spamming policy.  Well, I hope you all think of that as a good idea


City Hall:  willis4, ur turn


willis4:  Cross Room Messaging. An intriguing concept. Imagine being able to chat to your whyville friends, from 1 room, while

they are in another. They are reading their mail, and they recieve your "Hey man, whats going on"


With CRM. You would never be limited by overflowing chat rooms.  The chat would be taken to a new level, still allowing the classical avatar 2 avatar format.  That would be my number one choice.


City Hall:  thanks!  peachadee?


peachadee:  If I only had to choose one idea, It would be clubs for the whyvillians.  It would be a way to connect with friends and build better relationships with your whyville friends.  There would be polls and a way to see if your friends are on and where they are.


City Hall:  thanks!

City Hall:  Let's take some questions from the audience - direct them to one person, please.  Candidates if you see a question you want to answer - step up.


ceLebriTi: Peachadee, how long have you been on, like a year??? Shouldn't you be more expierenced...


peachadee:  I have been playing since July of last year, but I play Whyville a lot so I am very experienced.


tokyo1: Willis, what will you do to improve the BBSes spam rate?


willis4:  I believe Ymail helpers and senators should be able to stroll the BBS's and eliminate spam.


I also believe that helpers should have a rating attached to them. Should it drop below a certain point, they are reviewed.


skyshow: *question for peachadee i would say its important* Peach what do you mean by polls to find your friends ?


peachadee:  polls to ask questions to see what your friends think about some issues and a way to find your friends online.




ps2man1:  Well I heard that question from holiday50 before, and I'd like to answer it.  The expiration date would be put on hold during the auction time.


holiday50: Shane so if I took it out of auction it would be RENEWED.


ps2man1:  No it would not be renewed. But during the time of the auction, the expiration date would be put on hold.


holiday50: So would it renew for the person getting it?


ps2man1:  Perhaps it would. Maybe it would, to stop parts from expiring on people when they get them. And perhaps it wouldn't, because people would cheat the system to renew stuff. I guess I'd take the answer yes.


tokyo1: Willis - What will you do to make Whyville more realistic, in ways such as, Not like floating heads, real bodies,


willis4:  I dont plan to alter the entire technology used in Whyville. I think floating heads are here to stay, and that alright.


Vancyon: Wouldn't lower scion  prices also mean that there is no use of even buying them?


peachadee:  scions could go on sale (like in the real world) and you could resell your old scions for a reduced price (like the real world).


gcmusic5: How Do you feel about Expireing parts!?!?!?!


willis4:  Although expiring parts are a hassle, they are necessary. You may hate them, but i remember a time when u had to wait to when you has to WAIT to get INTO Whyville. Expiring gives more server space,, allowing that not to happen.


ps2man1:  Expiring face parts..., you know, the idea of having your face you paid for expire isn't such a great one ,but they have to expire, or the server would crash!


willis4:  I think instead of revamping the entire whyville system for full bodies, efforts should focus on improving the already present system.


peachadee:  I think you should pay extra when you buy it so it would never expire. It should be an option




peachadee:  I think it is fair, but I think there should be more vouchers around so everyone can go in the ff


ceLebriTi: Willis, why can't you just go in the same chat room with your friend or YMAIL, whats the point of the CM business?


willis4:  The point would be to still be able to chat when chat ROOMS are down, overflowing occurs, or just general 'friends who dont like the same room, could chat to each other.


City Hall:  Let's see what questions the candidates have for each other...

City Hall:  willis4 - like to start?


willis4:  Peachedee, this is directed at you.  You are in college. In your records it states you are hardly on. In fact, to schedule this debate it was tough due to your commitments


peachadee:  I am in college. but I get online between classes.

I am online everyday and I get on in my spare time when I'm at home


willis4:  How can the whyvillians expect a change from you, when you have barely enough time to check your mail? Not to be harsh.


peachadee:  I have plenty of time to answer my whymail and make new parts.  I don't think the time thing would be an issue.


willis4:  Does that mean your time would only go to checking ymail, and improving your designing status?


peachadee:  No, I spend a lot of my time at the beaches and all around whyville talking to people making new friends. I love whyville


City Hall:  willis - for ps2?


willis4:  A whyville bank. A HUGE, and quite old proposal.  It has been stating many times whyville would need a sponsor.

Does this mean you are going to put your sweat into looking

for one. Or are you just going to tell the CW;s too. Do you think they already know to look for a sponsor?  They, as in whyville operaters.


ps2man1:  I'm thinking that the bank could be put in parts at a time, like the scion idea was (cars and club scion, loans).  I think whyville maybe would be able to find a sponser. I mean they're on a sponsor streak. All these new things that have been made in the past year.


willis4:  Ps2, but this would just be telling CW'S to do it, dont you think they already know they need a sponsor? What would you do?


ps2man1:  I would have a contest for finding one.


City Hall:  peachadee - ur up


peachadee:  willis, for the across chatroom thing... why would we need it if you could just go to the chatroom.  The chatrooms aren't that crowded..  Why is it your best idea?


willis4:  How many people are in greek theatre RIGHT NOW who would like to chat with their friends in beach or w/e, and still be HERE.


peachadee:  They could just come here. it's one click away.

ok 2 clicks.


willis4:  No. they couldn't look how full the room is. They cant get in.


peachadee:  rooms aren't this crowded all the time


willis4:  CRM would solve this issue. Allowing you to participate in the debate, and be with the people you like, elsewhere.


peachadee:  And if we had my club idea I was talking about, you could just tell them to meet you somewhere or go to them.


willis4:  That is why I like it.


peachadee:  You wouldn't even have to chat across the rooms.


willis4:  With your club idea, are you going to search out your friends? What if they dont check their ymail often


peachadee:  There would be a list of who's on and where they are.


willis4:  Peach, even you could find YOUR friends with CRM. Would you not like that?

peachadee:  And a way for them to know when they have mail


willis4:  Would you not like CRM?


peachadee:  When I use the address book, it almost never works... even though I KNOW my friend is on


City Hall:  Cross Room Messaging - like IM


willis4:  Crm is easier then the long versopm


peachadee:  I think it would be easier to find all your friends ayt once


City Hall:  got one for ps2, peach?


peachadee:  Face parts expiring is a big issue. a lot of people like to keep their parts....do you think it would be better for people to pay a little extra when buying them so they could keep their parts forever?


ps2man1:  That would be a good idea, but it just isn't .. .what's the word I'm looking for... practical.  Whypass holders also pay for this perk. This is one of the main reasons they buy them.


City Hall:  ps2 - questions for our guests?


ps2man1:  Sure do.  Peach you're up.


ps2man1:  In your platform you state that you want to make the Newbie Center better


peachadee:  Yes, whenever I would go there, no one is there.

I ring the bell and no one comes.


ps2man1:  a. Isn't it already good? There's always somebody there, and if not, someone usually answers the bell


peachadee:  I think it would be better to have EXPIRIENCED people in there... not just a lot of people with a big salary.

It should be a harder test... it shouldn't go by your salary anymore.


ps2man1:  It SHOULD be a harder test, but it isn't- yet.

peachadee:  and I intend to change that.


ps2man1:  From what I see right now, you can ask a helper a question, if they don't know, ring the bell,if the next helper doesn't know, whymail a cw... or an active helper.


peachadee:  Helpers should know everything a newbie could ask.  If the test was harder, that woudn't be a problem.


ps2man1:  They should, but sometimes they don't. And if they don't, move on to another. I don't think this is much of a problem right now and Why aren't you a helper then?


peachadee:  My main issue was no one being there... and no one coming when I rang the bell.  I have tried, but sadly my salary isn't high enough. I think I would be able to help people in the newbie center, but I can't.


City Hall:  ps2 - time to move on to willis


ps2man1:  In your platform - cell phone downloads and checking ymail from your cell?


willis4:  Correct.


ps2man1:  How would this work? Where owuld whyville get the funds?


willis4:  I imagine the same place they would get bank funds, from sponsors. However I have thought it through, and would provide willis4:  options and ideas for sponsors. I know mobile companies which are active with Habbo, perhaps they can come here. Also, why not get some caltech interns to slaughter code.


City Hall:  closing statements!!!

City Hall:  ps2 - go for it!


ps2man1:  Well, I'm also gonna keep this short and simple

Vote me yadda yadda my competitors are good yadda yadda thanks to voters and helpers yadda yadda.  YOU ALL ROCK. vote ps2man1. okay done.


City Hall:  willis - ur next


willis4:  With willis4 - you get more. Thanks to all voters


City Hall:  go ahead, peachadee


peachadee:  if you vote for me, you can be sure I'll be your voice. I'll DO something, i'll help you help whyville! thank you voters


City Hall:  Thanks to all our candidates and you, the audience, for taking the time to attend this event!





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