www.whyville.net Aug 10, 2008 Weekly Issue

Times Writer

The Surge for Surgery

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Author's Note: I know that plastic surgery isn't always just done by women, but it's primarily women, so the arguments of this article will be based off of that. Also, this article deals with a more mature subject, so if you aren't sure, ask for parent's permission before you continue.

"Ah . . . So what were we talking about again? Oh yes!" Kiran leaned back in her lounge chair.
"Plastic surgery . . . would you ever do it?"
Noelle scoffed. "To maintain this?" She pointed a figure to her gorgeous face, which was at the moment covered in a green spa cream. "Definitely. In fact," she said slyly, "I already have."
Kiran bolted forward. "Oh my gosh! How did I not know about this?!"
"Please," Noelle rolled her eyes, "A nose like this does not exist in nature, people."
- Revised paragraph from the book Untouchable by Kate Brian.

We can't go a day without seeing them. We live in a world where beauty is held in utmost importance, where being slim and gorgeous and aesthetic. The prettier or more handsome you are, it seems, the more you can succeed. Of course this isn't true, but it sure seems like it. Who's making all the money? Actors and actresses, adult video stars, models. Beauty has even corrupted are already flailing music industry. It seems the more keen to the eye you are, the more appealing your music is. This isn't always true, but it's just common sense. Who do you think is going to make more money? Two electronica/rock bands, one with a handsome singer and guitarist, the other band all with seemingly plain features.

You think beauty wouldn't be held on such a high podium, because many people aren't beautiful.

I mean this in the least offensive way. I'm not saying people aren't attractive, but there aren't many people who look like movie stars or paper-thin models. Not without help, anyways. I'm hear to bring a little debate back into the Times. We've been lacking it these last few weeks. Today, ladies and gentleman, I'm going to argue both sides of plastic surgery. I'll also add some health risks for you to take a look at.

Before we begin, let's take a look: what is plastic surgery?

Let's make it clear, plastic surgery has nothing to do with the product plastic, like what some containers are made of. In this instance, plastic means or mold or reshape. Plastic surgery is a medical procedure to correct a part of the body.

First, the pros. Why plastic surgery should be acceptable/done.


For thousands of years, humans have been using things to make themselves look better. Just look at the ancient Egyptians. They used make-up made from ore of copper and lead. We've always been looking for ways to make ourselves more beautiful. Take powdered wigs and tight corsets(used to get an hourglass figure) in Europe. There are thousands of products out there designed to make us look better. Shaving kits, tweezers, teeth whitening, tons and tons of make-up companies, expensive clothing, or, lord, hair dye.

Plastic surgery is just more of an extreme way to achieve beauty than those listed up there. What, may I ask, is the problem with plastic surgery? If your friend has a large nose with cavernous nostrils (Haha. Cavernous.) that put her at the butt of jokes and teasing, then why not? It could be affecting her self-confidence.

I'm sorry for bringing God into this, but there are always people that bring it up, no disrespect intended: "God made us like this, it's how we should stay," you say. Well, what about your sister with the platinum blonde hair? Did God make her like that? I think not. What about your pierced ears? Sure, those aren't as drastic as a nose job, but it's the same concept.

Sometimes plastic surgery isn't even for beauty purposes. Some people need to have plastic surgery for health reasons. If it's for medical reasons, then why not?

People have been changing the way they look for centuries. Plastic surgery is more drastic, guaranteed, but again, it's the same concept. So what's wrong with plastic surgery?


There are more reasonable ways of changing how you look besides plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is a very big deal. You're changing a part of your body, your natural body, flesh and blood, for something synthetic. Something fake. Silicone.

Plastic surgery is usually done on the body surface, so you the scars and bumps that may be left over are very visible and can cause for much scrutiny. Now you have plastic in your body and unattractive scars on the surface. Not only are they not pretty to look at, people can guess pretty accurately that you've had surgery done. That's a real turn on.

You have all seen the horror stories on TV, when a surgery doesn't go well, it's not just a small problem. It's a big deal. People can lose their lives from an unsuccessful surgery. Even if it is rare, would be willing to risk your life or a serious medical condition over beauty?

Plastic surgery for urgent health reasons is a different story entirely. If the surgery is absolutely necessary, then there isn't anything that anyone can do about it. Even then, there's still a risk.

While we may never be truly happy with how we look, why go to such drastic measures to change it? Why take the risks?

What do you think, Whyville?

Is plastic surgery worth the risks? Are you for or against it? I asked a couple of Whyvillians the same questions.

Glitsygrl: Are you for or against plastic surgery? Why?

Theirs: I'm against it. It's just . . . creepy. If you're ugly, live with it.
lollyfob: I am for plastic surgery. It's an enhancement; why be against it? It's like wearing makeup, just to more of an extreme level. Of course, there's an extent. I rather not see bleach blonde botox'd 90 year olds.
xo7JoA7ox: I'd have to say I'm pretty neutral on the subject, I believe people can make their own decisions about their bodies without anyone else telling them what to do, however I personally don't think it's right to alter yourself for reasons like 'Oh I'm too fat, let's get lypo,' but if it was for medical reasons or because an accident altered your appearance, I'm for it.
Blama2: Yes, I am against, since most of the time, it's to try and make you look beautiful, and it only makes you more plastic, and fake.

Glitsygrl: Would you ever consider surgery for yourself?

Theirs: Yes, I would consider surgery. Plastic Surgery, no. I just couldn't live with my self filled with implants.
lollyfob: I have, for my nose and lipo. I'm going to get laser eye surgery in 1 year, if that even counts. And Getting a nose job in 3 years.
xo7JoA7ox: The only reason I would ever get plastic surgery is if an accident altered my appearance . . . like a car crash mangled my face. For purely body image-based reasons, I would not consider it. I like myself made how I'm supposed to be.
Blama2: No, unless, it was for health reasons, I wouldn't consider it, since as I stated above, if fake, and I believe that what you have, is what you got. Don't try and fix something thats not broken.

There you go. Straight from the mouths of your fellow Whyvillians.

You've read the article, you've heard many different opinions, now it's time to tell what you think. Plastic surgery; yay or nay? Against it or for it?

Speak up.



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