www.whyville.net Jan 11, 2009 Weekly Issue

Times Writer

Confessions of a Washed up Times Writer

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(or, Giggler01's attempt to regain her former glory and her subsequent failure)

Let's just get this rolling by saying that I am 19 years old. I am well aware that this is indeed much older than most Whyvillians. That being said, I have (not-so-recently) embarked on a journey to try and get my health in check - not just my physical but my emotional and mental health as well. So far so good - I don't smoke, I exercise, I'm young and I floss. But one thing I really miss is writing. I used to write so often! I've had 200 and some articles published in the Times. That is a lot - or at least it used to be, I don't pay much attention these days, as you'll soon find out. In a bout of nostalgia I have decided that I should start writing again to clear my mind. The adventure has been less than successful to say the least.

The first challenge when writing an article is come up with a topic. I recall this part being fairly easy - after all, it's not as if I was struggling for something to write about if I churned out 250 articles and who knows how many perished in the Editor's inbox, unfit to publish? That being said, cranking out an article is rather a struggle at the moment. For motivation, I decide to check out what I have lurking in the archives - this turns out to be an epic adventure in itself as it takes me over an hour to remember my Whyville password. (I also don't seem to recall which parental e-mail I used 7 years ago when I registered.) So that's an hour gone and still no article written.

A search through the archives proves fruitless. I used to know what was going on with Whyvillians! A prolonged absence will put you out of touch and thus I am out of touch with the current generation, which makes me sound like I'm 100 years old but it's exactly how I feel. My empty inbox confirms that I am indeed forgotten in Whyville and though I momentarily feel excited at receiving mail, I quickly realize that it is just a Whyville Guides Reminder. At the moment I feel less than qualified to guide new Whyvillians through Whyville - and it doesn't even serve as inspiration for an article!

Maybe a carton of Ben and Jerry's will help inspire me. Unfortunately, the trip to the convenience store turns out to be a bit of a distraction, since I end up meeting a friend and going over to their place instead. Several hours later, I come home to a still-blank computer screen with no ideas to populate the white space. I decide to visit the Beach - I recall that it used to be fairly popular and perhaps I can meet someone who will inspire me. Instead I just sit in a corner for 5 minutes without speaking to the two girls who are there discussing face parts. The situation is worse than I had feared.

Having exhausted all other avenues, I decide to catch up with some of my former Whyville buddies. They aren't filling me in on any of their secret tricks, but they're still being published. Hrmph. I wander back out to the kitchen and I am hit by a stroke of sheer genius! You see, I've become obsessed with reading nutrition labels lately but most people have no idea what these things mean. I shall be the prophet and share my knowledge with the world! Success and satisfaction, if I do say so myself (and I do).

About this time I also come upon the BBS for a certain article. This is what I REALLY missed about Whyville: the BBS and the pettiness of all the arguments. Seriously, if this is what's worth arguing about in your life, then it must be a pretty sweet life. It does however prompt me to write an article on libel. That's two articles in one day, which is more than I had hoped for. Now all I have to do is submit them and wait to bask in the glory of their publication.

Once submitted, I hear back from the Times Editor. She has positive comments. I am even more hopeful. Today I'll be published and tomorrow I'll be Senator of Whyville again - world domination can't be far off. My fortune has turned, it would seem. Meanwhile, back in real life I am attempting to find a part time job to pay the bills and am failing miserably. But my Whyville future is looking bright so I'm still smiling.

Then comes Sunday: the most magical day of the week. Sunday is the day the Times is published. I get two articles on the front page! Admittedly, this causes me to dance my way to the fridge in search of lunch and my room mate asks why I am so happy - I am too embarrassed to admit that I'm 19 and still on Whyville so I carefully avoid answering her question. The embarrassment doesn't fail to diminish my excitement, though - I'm a published author!

And now comes the most exciting part of all: the BBS. Er, well, it would come now if people actually commented. Maybe no one is reading the Times. I quickly check the BBS on some other articles. People are definitely reading the Times. While they seem to have plenty to say about other articles, my BBS is empty. My smile is starting to fade a little.

I decide to go to the Whyville Times Awards. This turns out to be rather boring affair, though other people seem to be enjoying themselves. I was nominated for an article I don't even remember writing but I didn't expect it to win, seeing as how I am washed up (yes, let's just be honest with each other). But not only do I not win - I don't know anyone in the Greek Theater. This is just plain depressing.

The rest of the week passes in a similar manner. The comments I do receive are few and far between and most of them poke fun at the holes in my articles. Whoops - I didn't mean for my articles to have holes! I re-read both of them several times. There are lots of grammar mistakes and they are rather boring. Are all of my articles this boring? Am I a boring person? I make it a goal to write a more exciting article in the future - hopefully someone will comment if I can only think of a more interesting topic . . . but then I begin to wonder whether it's time to throw in the metaphorical towel.

I love Whyville, or more accurately, I loved Whyville when I was the same age as most of the people on Whyville. And now I'm washed because I approach the world as a university student, and not as a high school student, which is not a bad thing, it's just ill-fitting for the Times. Whyville has made me what I am today - 250 articles is a HUGE time commitment, but I am beginning to wonder if it will continue to play a role in my future. Maybe if people were friendlier, or more interested in my boring articles . . . But then again I can't really blame them when my own attention span is so short. I imagine that this is what it feels like for new writers who submit to the Times - trying to get noticed in a sea of amazing talent, it's ironic that they are at the beginning of their journey and I am at the end of mine - or perhaps this is simply the beginning of another journey, elsewhere.


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